How FRESH Your Air Freshener?
Are They GOOD For Health??
Are They GOOD For Health??
Air freshener chemicals have been implicated in cancer, neurological damage, reproductive and developmental disorders, and other conditions. The synthetic chemicals in air fresheners also can aggravate asthma and/or trigger attacks. Researching air freshener/plug-in ingredients from their Material Safety Data Sheets we find that these ingredients are toxic.
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Many air fresheners employ carcinogens, volatile organic compounds and known toxins such as phthalate esters
in their formulas. A Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) study of
13 common household air fresheners found that most of the surveyed
products contain chemicals that can aggravate asthma and affect
reproductive development. The NRDC called for more rigorous supervision
of the manufacturers and their products, which are widely assumed to
be safe
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Look at the packaging of air freshener products and you will see that no ingredients are listed. Thus consumers are unable to decide whether the product they are buying and that they, their children and their babies are breathing is safe or not.
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Car deodorizers have allergens that can cause some people to experience symptoms like headaches or eye irritation. These conventional fresheners also contain toxic chemicals like petroleum distillates, which can
irritate or damage your lungs; phthalates, which can interfere with
hormone production; and benzene compounds, which have been found to be
carcinogenic, according to the Children's Environmental Health Network, a nonprofit Washington, D.C.-based consumer safety organization.
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fresheners have become a staple in many American homes and offices,
marketed with the promise of creating a clean, healthy, and
sweet-smelling indoor atmosphere. But many of these products contain
phthalates (pronounced thal-ates)—hazardous chemicals known to cause hormonal
abnormalities, birth defects, and reproductive problems.
abnormalities, birth defects, and reproductive problems.
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Studies involving rat and human subjects have suggested that high exposures to certain kinds of phthalates can cause cancer, developmental and sex-hormone abnormalities (including decreased testosterone and sperm levels and malformed sex organs) in infants, and can affect fertility.
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The Material Safety Data Sheet for the air freshener indicated that there was a potential for toxic effects in humans.
The air freshener used in the study did not diminish the effect of
other pollutants tested in combination. The results demonstrated that
the air freshener may have actually exacerbated indoor air pollution via addition of toxic chemicals to the atmosphere.
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strong links to phthalates and formaldehyde, it's not surprising that a
study that was recently published in the American Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine indicates that regular use of sprays can increase your risk of developing asthma by 30 to 50 percent. This
study was performed by the European Community Respiratory Health
Survey, and collected data from 3,500 people in 10 European countries.
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Neither the FDA nor the EPA conducts any safety testing or spot
checking of toxic chemicals in air freshener products. Essentially,
consumers could be exposed to any number of toxic airborne chemicals from air freshener products, with no warning whatsoever. The
safety of chemicals used in these products is utterly ignored by the
FDA in much the same way that perfumes and cosmetic products containing
cancer-causing chemicals are routinely ignored by the agency.
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gym installed plug-in air fresheners designed to spray a mist of "air
freshening" chemicals periodically. One of them was attached near the
ceiling, on a wall that was directly behind all of the treadmills, to
ensure that those under the most physical stress, and those breathing
the heaviest, would find themselves inhaling a massive blast of
chemicals. Did we mention that these things impair lung function to cause extreme shortness of breath, and potentially heart attacks? These things are exactly what need to be placed above treadmills.
We experienced immediate difficulty in breathing when running the treadmills, despite all of us being in excellent condition.
We later experienced chest pains and other symptoms of heart problems
in unison. We decided that this madness could not continue any
longer. This article is comprised of our research efforts in pinning
down the problem.
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Who doesn't love that factory fresh "new car smell"? It's so well-liked that air fresheners and sprays have been produced in attempts to reclaim the odor.
according to a new study from the nonprofit Ecology Center and, what you might actually be sniffing are toxic fumes
from chemicals used to create the car interior.
"Research shows that vehicle interiors contain a unique cocktail of hundreds of toxic chemicals that off-gas in small, confined spaces,"
Jeff Gearhart, research director at the Ecology Center, said in a
written statement. "Since these chemicals are not regulated, consumers
have no way of knowing the dangers they face. Our testing is intended
to expose those dangers and encourage manufacturers to use safer
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