Isnin, 3 Januari 2011

Pregnant Robot Helped Train Medical Students

Pregnant Robot Helped Train Medical Students (Robot Bersalin?)

One of the most critical chapter of a woman's life is pregnancy, because she's caring not only for her own life but of the unborn child as well. Medical specialists ensure complete health care are provided for both the mother and baby.

However, during delivery complications may arise, such as pre-term/unscheduled delivery, cord coil, displacia and preeclampsia or toxemia. All of these require special attention from the doctors. That's why hospitals and health providers are well trained to avoid such high-risk complications.

At John Hopkins hospitals a robotic birth simulator named Noelle has just been hired in order to provide actual delivery training to medical students. Noelle has all of the necessary vitals, even breathing and a pulse. She even has the proper anatomy which is functionally correct. Therefore she is able to simulate a wide variety of delivery situations to train those who deliver babies.

She is an interactive female with one birthing baby and one interactive neonate, the neonate also interacts in a way that it changes color with positive pressure ventilation (PPV). The whole simulator package is equipped with the necessary stuffs needed for a life-like actual birthing to happen.

The idea of a birthing simulator is conceived by Florida-based Gaumard Scientific Company in order to provide actual training to medical students and doctors as well.


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